So yeah, I have never been a true-blue chest-thumping andolon-mongering adda-baaz Bengali . In fact I often found most Bengalis quite Neyka - a word we cannot translate accurately for any non-bengali. Most Bengalis take themselves way too seriously and if I were to give them a pointed feedback in a corporate-esque way it would be that they urgently need some bias-for-action. Like seriously yo!
But amidst our many vices and many many Nekamo we find redemption in something magnificent - our food. There is actually no better thing in the World than Macch Bhaat.
My mom tells me usually the kids graduate slowly from the
For all the times I disappointed my Baba and RobindroNath, I made it up by eating vegetarian Jhinge-Posto without complaining. And I think I will someday find forgiveness for all my crassness, kaalchaar-less Gujju-Bong hybrid ways in being the 100% chest-thumping Macch connoisseur that I am. And that I think is what being a proud Bengali means to me :)